Versione italiana

News - May 2008

During the first Board of Directors meeting, held on April 3, 2008, Domenico Criscuolo, Genovax CEO and Board President, expressed his warmest thanks to Eporgen and to the Canavese Biopark for supporting the formation of Genovax.

He also expressed heartfelt words in memory of Silvano Fumero, who suddenly passed away in January, and who supported from the very beginning the formation of Genovax, as he was extremely impressed by the scientific contents of the proposed projects.

Domenico Criscuolo then described the two projects, with their expected results and timelines.

The outlined scientific activities were unanimously approved, and the two projects will undergo the planned tests: the next steps will be the establishment of a laboratory at the Canavese Biopark, and the relocation of a research fellow from the Genova University.

The first meeting of the Scientific Board will be soon called, in order to have a first look at the development stage of the two projects, and the preliminary results achieved so far.

May 2008

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